Friday, April 4, 2014

Thesis Project Resubmit Week 14 2014

Week No.: 14
            Date: May 5th- 14
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.   What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Final Review time 

Hostetler, Jacob (02640488)
Review Status:
MFA Illustration (MFA-ILL)
Jeannie Brunnick (CHAIR), James Cameron, Rick Farrell, Robert Florczak, John Rush
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
11:00 AM
Online Location:

Final Results

Committee Comments to the Student:
Congratulations. Jacob has fulfilled the requests of the committee members and his portfolio now meets his midpoint proposal.

Thesis Project Resubmit week 13 2014

Week No.: 13
            Date: April 28th- May 4th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.   What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Thesis packet mail out to Graduate Final Review Committee Since Sunday US mail is closed, come Monday, after work having over nighted. Work took me until after 5pm so did not get it in the mail.

Thesis Project Resubmit week 12 2014

Week No.: 12
            Date: April 21st- 27th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.   What was accomplished Since the last meeting:

Found out when the Final Review will take place.

Final Review
To Me

Hi Jacob Hostetler,

This is to confirm the official date and time of your Illustration Final Review for Spring 2014:

Date: 5/13/2014
Time: 11:00 AM PST (So 2PM my time)
Location: Online

Still working on the last two Illustrations it going to be to the wire. 

Thesis Project Resubmit week 11 2014

Week No.: 11
            Date: April 14th- 20th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.   What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Final illustrations for American Pride

Thesis Project Resubmit week 10 2014

Week No.: 10
            Date: April 7th- 13th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.   What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Final Illustrations for PTSD

Thesis Project resubmit week 9 2014

Week No.: 9
            Date: March 31st-April 6th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.   What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Final Illustrations

of Military Honor

Thesis Project resubmit week 8 2014

Week No.: 8
            Date: March 24th-30th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.   What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Black & White, and Sepia roughs of Military Honor, American Pride, and PTSD