Saturday, December 21, 2013

Outline for next Final Review resubmit

Thesis Project Final Review resubmit

Sign up for Final review Feb 17-March 24 2014
Schedule Final reviews April 21- May 16 2014

Beyond Words resubmit outline:

Photo shoots and research for items I do not have at the ready. 

Feb. 2014

Email Art Director  the day of sign ups, with links to reference images.
Three illustrations 
Mix media watercolor acrylic, and ink on canvas 
 Stylized realism 
PTSD Concept Soldier with yang /Yin symbol/ Military Honor the Horse/man with emblem
American Pride concepts.  
Oil on canvas Cardinals baseball

March 2014

Three illustrations 
Mix media watercolor, acrylic and ink on canvas
Stylized realism 
American Pride concepts   
Email Director with progress report and schedule resubmit time.
Military Honor Concept  Woman with Anchor. 
 Oil on canvas Scouts.

Final Review 2013

Submitted: Not Approved
Committee Comments to the Student:
Jacob's project consists of three different areas: Military Honor, American Pride and PTSD. The expressive paintings done for this last section are strong and provocative. We encourage Jacob to keep exploring in that area, and we envision him exhibiting these. In the other two areas, there is a bit of inconsistency that we'd like Jacob to correct before we can approve his project. While working on his graphic or iconic work, he needs to make sure there is tighter precision in his application. Lines and shapes need to be crisp and even. Attention needs to be taken with the symmetry of the banners. The shadows are also often too black and empty. While a flat color treatment is fine, the black is often too heavy and has a smothering affect on the image as a whole, particularly the image recognizing the Girl Scouts. One suggestion would be for Jacob try drawing just the silhouette of the entire image, making sure it is clear and interesting, before describing the individual components.
We'd like Jacob to show again next semester. In preparation we are asking that he redo 6 pieces. Primarily from the Military Honor, we'd like those with figures: the Woman and anchor, the horse/man with emblem, and the black and white soldier with yin/yang symbol. For these Jacob needs to photograph reference to work from, as the figure proportions are inaccurate. He should show all reference or photographs taken for these in his next review. We'd also like him to redo 3 from the American Pride series, focusing on consistency with light and shadow.

These are the Six being revamp for next semester

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Week 27 of Thesis Journal

Week No.: 27
            Date: Nov.22nd-28th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.    What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Made CD's to mail out, up loaded my thesis report PDF to dashboard along with my Final review works. Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)
A. Research: None

B. Marquette’s:  None

C. Supplies:  none

D. Project

2.    Advisors Written Comments: none
3.     Goal for next meeting:
 Next meeting will be  December 10th Final review here an over view of Thesis schedule:
week 1 Feb. 4th -10th 2012 intro to thesis
week 2 Feb. 11th-17th research
week 3 Feb. 18th-24th research
week 4 Feb. 25th -March 3 research
week 5 March 4th-10th thumbnials research
week 6 March 11th -18th Military Honor thumbnails 6
week 7 March 19th-24th Military Honor thumbnails 9
week 8 March 25th-31st American Pride thumbniails 6
week 9 April 1st- 7th American Pride thumbniails 9
week 10 April 8th-14th PTSD thumbnails 6
week 11 April 15th-21st PTSD thumbnails 9
week 12 April 22sd-28th Roughs MH B&W 5 Color 10
week 13 April 29th-May 4 Roughs AP B&W 5 Color 10
week 14 May 5th-10th Roughs PTSD B&W 5 Color 10
week 15 may 12th -18th Final draft drawing 6
Summer break May 19th 2012 -Sept 5th 2013
week 16 Sept. 5th -12th Final draft drawings 6
week 17 Sept. 13th-19th Final draft drawings 3
week 18 Sept. 20th-26th Final 1
week 19 Sept. 27th- Oct 3rd Final 2
week 20 Oct 4th-10th Final 2
week 21 Oct. 11th -17th Final 2
week 22 Oct. 18th -24th Final 2
week 23 Oct.25th-31st Final 2
week 24 Nov. 1st- 7th Final 2
week 25 Nov 8th -14th Power point and finish up journal
week 26 Nov 15th -21st  Thesis Packet check list
week 27 Nov.29th Mailed in and set for final review
week 28 Dec. 10th Final review
week 29 Dec. 20th Graduation
week 30  Jan. 1st Have my MFA in Illustration

Week 26 of Thesis Journal

Week No.: 26
            Date: Nov.15th-21st
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.    What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Thesis report finished, to send for proof reads, working on power point
A. Research: 
Check list time of power point and Thesis report

B. Marquette’s:  None

C. Supplies:
Computer with internet, powerpoint and word programs
D. Project

2.    Advisors Written Comments: none
3.     Goal for next meeting:
 Finish powerpoint and CD and  have booklet made of Thesis report

Week 25 of Thesis Journal

Week No.: 25
            Date: Nov. 8th-14st 
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.    What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Finished the last two final painting Illustration of PTSD
A. Research: None

B. Marquette’s:  None

C. Supplies:
Illustration Board 15"x20"
Watercolors, Super Black India Ink, Pro White, and brushes
 Sharpie black marker
D. Project

2.    Advisors Written Comments: (All advisor’s comment dealt with class assignment not thesis project, there for not included in Journal.)
3.     Goal for next meeting:
Getting my Thesis packet and final review booklets ready to send in
Soldier walking the road or the prison he keep him self in.

Even female soldier have PTSD

Week 24 of Thesis Journal

Week No.: 24
            Date: Nov. 1st-7th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.    What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Finished  two more final painting Illustration of PTSD
A. Research: 
On graduation and final review

B. Marquette’s:  None

C. Supplies:
Illustration Board 15"x20"
Watercolors, Super Black India Ink, Pro White, and brushes
D. Project

2.    Advisors Written Comments: (All advisor’s comment dealt with class assignment not thesis project, there for not included in Journal.)
3.     Goal for next meeting:
 Will have the last two  illustrations done for next week of PTSD. and start Thesis report draft
loss of youth, never the same

Globe War on Terrorism, Iraq Campaign Medal, and Globe War Terrorism Expeditionary Medal

Week 23 of Thesis Journal

Week No.: 23
            Date: Oct 25th-31st 
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.    What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Finished the last one final painting Illustration of American Pride, and the first one of PTSD illustrations
A. Research: None

B. Marquette’s:  None

C. Supplies:
Illustration Board 15"x20" 36"x48" canvas and 24"x28" canvas
Watercolors, Super Black India Ink, Pro White, and brushes
OIL paints
D. Project

2.    Advisors Written Comments: (All advisor’s comment dealt with class assignment not thesis project, there for not included in Journal.)
3.     Goal for next meeting:
 Will have two illustrations done for next week of PTSD
Old glory with Captain America Shield

A veteran having coffee