Saturday, December 21, 2013

Outline for next Final Review resubmit

Thesis Project Final Review resubmit

Sign up for Final review Feb 17-March 24 2014
Schedule Final reviews April 21- May 16 2014

Beyond Words resubmit outline:

Photo shoots and research for items I do not have at the ready. 

Feb. 2014

Email Art Director  the day of sign ups, with links to reference images.
Three illustrations 
Mix media watercolor acrylic, and ink on canvas 
 Stylized realism 
PTSD Concept Soldier with yang /Yin symbol/ Military Honor the Horse/man with emblem
American Pride concepts.  
Oil on canvas Cardinals baseball

March 2014

Three illustrations 
Mix media watercolor, acrylic and ink on canvas
Stylized realism 
American Pride concepts   
Email Director with progress report and schedule resubmit time.
Military Honor Concept  Woman with Anchor. 
 Oil on canvas Scouts.

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