Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 9 of Thesis Journal

Week No.: 9
            Date: April 1st-7th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.    What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Finished up the remaining thumbnails drawings for American Pride.
Its been a battle to conform to idea with out using the main stay's of that idea, but
I think, I pulled it off. 
A. Research:
 Looking for was was need it in stage of the drawings
B. Marquette’s:  none

C. Supplies:
9"x12" sketch book, No2 pencils, and kneaded easer
D. Project

2.     Advisors Written Comments: (All advisor’s comment dealt with class assignment not thesis project, there for not included in Journal.)
3.     Goal for next meeting:
Goals for next week will be to start finish up  PTSD thumbnail drawings, and thinking about how to do the color studies and value studies the media to use.

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