Friday, February 7, 2014

Thesis Project resubmit week 1 2014

Week No.: 1 of resubmit
            Date: February 1st-10th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.   What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
Since Final Review December 10th, listen to the review comments and reflected on the direction to go in, as I finished up the semester and my final projects. After completion of the semester, I use the month of January for a break from school, art work, and just reflected on the direction, and reason of the resubmit. Along with reference images.
A. Research: 
 Image that I could not do my self because of budget issues or location issues.

B. Supplies:   
Computer with Net
C. Project:
American Pride, Military Honor

2.    Advisors Written Comments:
None as of yet

3.    Goal for next meeting:  
 Images for reference, that have been took by me, with my own camera

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