Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 2 of Thesis Journal

Week No.: 2
            Date: February 11th-17th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.   What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
      Talked with Instructor's if there was going to a discussion board for us directed study student's. Out of the three classes' only one had a board for discussion but was not for my Directed study code, which was frustrating. On good note All instructors told me if I had any questions just ask. That was cool but kinda one sided, since there was not a discussion board for to ask questions. Will I?

A. Research: 
Going through my old picture from being in the military, and marketing outline of companies that would consider my work desirable to their market. Doing image searches of Military Honor symbolism and reference guide. 

B. Supplies:   The supplies at hand are old, some will need replaced, other still have some life left in them. My office is my mom pool table in her living room and using her old laptop and using my cell phone hotspot to run the laptop never though I would say that there something slower than Dial-up but there is it call hotspot

C. Project:
On track for researching military honor and thumbnails concepts
2.     Adviser's Written Comments: (All advisor’s comment dealt with class assignment not thesis project, there for not included in Journal.)
3.     Goal for next meeting: For Jacob to have the thumbnail roughs push further in the direction of his concepts, and bring ideas to final drawing stage

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