Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 3 of Thesis Journal

Week No.: 3
            Date: February 18th-24th
            Final Project Progress Analysis
1.    What was accomplished Since the last meeting:
I made the switch from hand writing this journal to word document, which make it easier to edit and adding things. That about my class load and demands of family events, kind of got put on back burner. No fault but the color theory class has workload of freshmen class, man, nothing but a thing.  
A. Research:

Working on military concepts with relate symbols of the military. Mainly Army crest and medals and logo of Military Occupation Speciality, Navy, and Veteran associations  that help veterans. 

  B. Supplies:

     A lot my supplies are in storage  in a box also find my self in place where I cannot paint with oils, so limited to acrylic or watercolors etc for thumbnails, colored pencil for a lot of it. Still on hotspot for Internet  connection. Man this connection  slow

 C. Project
                    2.    Adviser's Written Comments: 
(All advisor’s comment dealt with class assignment not thesis project, there for not included    in Journal.)

                       3.     Goal for next meeting:
For me  to have the  roughs drawing  push further in the direction of thesis  concepts, and bring ideas to final drawing stage. This is week three by week seven I plan to have the 5 illustration completed for Military honor set of the Thesis project. than move on too American Pride set


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